Minggu, 15 Maret 2015

Review Film #2 : 12 Years a Slave


Last night, I was watching film entitle “12 Years a Slave”. This film is based on a true story directed by Steve McQueen and produced by Brad Pitt and several names.

The story is about the man named Solomon Northup, a free Africa - American man who is working as a violinist. Solomon with her wife and two children lived in Saratoga, New York. Someday, there are two men came to his town, Brown and Hamilton, who offer him to be a musician in Washington. However, he did not know that he sold into slave pen named James Burch. He then got a new name as a slave, Platt. In any change, Northup stated that he is actually a free man but nobody cares.

Anyway, Northup was sold to William Ford and Ford treated him kindly. Someday, the Ford’s carpenter, John Tibeats, will beat him but Northup overpowered him and beat him back. However, Tibeats and his friends attempted to lynch Northup but prevented by Chapin, the Ford’s overseer. Because of that, Ford sells him to planter named Edwin Epps to protect him from Tibeats. Epps is a sadistic man who will abuse his slaves if they cannot pick the cotton at least 200 pounds in every day.

Someday, Northup worked on the construction of gazebo with a Canadian man named Bass. He then asked him a favour to send the letter to his friend in the north. Bass agreed to send the letter although he risking his life.

One day, Northup was calling by the local sheriff who came with another man. The sheriff asked him several question to confirm that his answer is matched to the fact that he lived in New York. After 12 years being a slave, Northup got a freedom and then return to his family.

In the end of the film, there was a credit written that he cannot prosecute Brown, Hamilton and Burch who sent him into slavery. There was no detail about circumstances of his death. The date and the location of Solomon Northup’s death are unknown.

The End.

Well, this film is recommended to be one of your film collections. The acting of the actors and actresses are the best. I cried a river while watch this film. You can see the cast of the film here.

Ok guys, that’s all for today. Sorry for my summary of the film, I cannot write much more. So, please forgive for all my mistakes and bye...

See you on my next Review Film post.

Addition :
image source here.

With love,
Anis Restu

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